The data also suggest:
increased neocortial mass relative to mid and brain stem. Given that
neurotransmiters Da, nore, and 5 ht are predominantly sourced through these
latter regions, it perhaps casts some light on why human beings need so many
psychoactive drugs. (Terrance Deacon argument from "The Symbolic Species".)
There *may* be some changes in the neocortical structures; specifically the
Some anthropological data suggests enlargement of the hypoglossal canal,
that which the nerves for throat etc travel through.
There is an unusual type of cell, spindle cell, particularly rich in human
brains, not so much in primates, but recent evidence has established the
presence of these cell types in whales. These cells, according to goldberg
(The Wisdom Paradox) at least, have long extensive cortico-cortico
There is the suggestion that the brain "grows into the available space".
Think about that in relation to changes at the skull base, the increase in
the cerebellum might simply be a consequence of that. Don't know.
Human beings have unusually dextrous hands, given the cerebellum involvement
in fine movement control, I wonder if any studies have determined the
contribution of the cerebellum to fine movement control of the hands. By way
of anthropological example, trying "knapping" sometime. (Knapping is
crafting flints and it is damn hard.)
So tell me Konstantin, what is the cerebellum "profile" for the presence of
Da, nore, and 5ht. Anything special there? Just wondering about the
schizophrenia link and Da. PS: new drug trial for schizophrenia, glutamate
agent. Promising results.
"konstantin kouzovnikov" <myukhome from> wrote in message
news:mailman.808.1188877635.11350.neur-sci from
A bigger cortex might simply mean quantitative changes in a few > processes.
Except anthropological data suggest that in the more recent history of
humanoids cerebellum grew faster than any other part of the brain. The
latter complicates the picture, doesn't it?
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