[Neuroscience] 2nd Summer School in Biomedical Engineering, Aug 10 - 16, Naumburg & Schoenburg, Germany

Uwe Graichen via neur-sci%40net.bio.net (by uwe.graichen from tu-ilmenau.de)
Thu Jun 28 09:30:55 EST 2007

Five places are still available for the 

2nd Summer School in Biomedical Engineering
Diffusion-weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Principles and Applications
August, 10-16, 2007
Schoenburg, Germany

Diffusion-weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging (DWMRI) is one of the
fastest growing areas in medical imaging. It provides a detailed (i.e.
voxel based) view onto the anisotropic diffusion in the living brain.
This allows for numerous applications such as the anatomical analysis of
fiber geometries, the study of connectivity in the brain, and the
inclusion of anisotropic conductivity information into EEG/MEG source
localization both in patients and volunteers. However, although there is
a fast growing interest in these applications, in-depth knowledge of the
theoretical basis of DWMRI techniques seems sometimes limited.

The objective of the International Summer School is to provide in-depth
education on DWMRI techniques covering both the theoretical foundations
and its practical applications. The lectures will aim at a thorough
understanding of the underlying mechanisms of DWMRI and thus will
develop a critical view on current applications and possible future
developments. In particular, the use of DWMRI for the revelation of the
anatomical organization of the brain and for modelling
electrophysiological measurements of brain activity (EEG, MEG) will be
covered. Another main topic will be the validation DWMRI based results.
Moreover, the International Summer School is expected to facilitate the
exchange of ideas on latest developments in the field.

Target Group:
- PhD students
- Advanced Master students
- Researchers entering the field of diffusion-weighted Magnetic
Resonance Imaging

Invited speakers:
Farida Grinberg (University Leipzig)
Peter Basser (NIH Bethesda, Maryland)
Robert Turner (MPI Leipzig)
Daniel Alexander (UCL London)
Maxime Descoteaux (INRIA Nizza)
Cameron McIntyre (Cleveland Clinic Foundation)
Daniel Güllmar (University Jena)
Carsten Wolters (Universtity Muenster)
Ulrich Katscher (Philips Hamburg)
Saad Jbabdi (FMRIB Oxford)
Patric Hagmann (EPFL Lausanne)
Daniel Gembris (University Heidelberg)
Pierre Fillard (INRIA Nizza)
Mario Hlawitschka (University Leipzig)
Marc Tittgemeyer (MPI Köln)
Hubertus Axer (University Jena)
Simon Eickhoff (FZ Jülich)

Further Information about the
2nd International Summer School in Biomedical Engineering

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