[Neuroscience] Re: Rat trajectories

Mathias via neur-sci%40net.bio.net (by mathiasDOTfranzius from webDELETEME.de)
Wed Feb 28 06:49:01 EST 2007

The equipment looks promising, but I can't build a setup myself, so I'm 
looking for someone who has already recorded place field and position 
data and who is willing to share some data with a modeller.
I'm pretty sure I could use the raw data and write some analysis 
software myself, but definitely preprocessed position data would be more 
convinient for me.


Glen M. Sizemore wrote:
> A lot of people use Med Associates open field equipment which gives a 
> continuous recording of the rat's position. It requires, I think, special 
> software to make use of the data files.

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