[Neuroscience] Postdoctoral in neuroscience/neurobilogy, or cellular and molecular biology

TedJob.com - free job site via neur-sci%40net.bio.net (by tedjobmkt from gmail.com)
Mon Feb 26 16:27:40 EST 2007

Univeristy of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131

Two postdoctoral researcher positions are available immediately at a
multidisciplinary research laboratory at Univiersity of New Mexico
College of Pharmacy. One of the project focuses on roles of free
radical/oxidaive stress in signal transduction/cell death pathways in
stroke using cellular and animal models.  The other fucuses on the
role of oxdiatve stress in metal such as arsenic induced cell death
and carcinogenesis.

The researcher should have the ability to independently design and
conduct experiments for scientific projects and independently analyze
data, interpret results, report research findings in scientific
meetings, and prepare manuscript.

* Ph.D. in neuroscience/neurobilogy, or cellular and molecular biology
or other related life science fields
* Peer-reviewed publications
* Extensive experience in oxidative stress, neurological animal
models, cell culture, western blotting, immunohistochemistry,
enzymatic assays, and/or fluorescence microscopy.

Application detail: http://www.tedjob.com/job_detail.php?id=9689

http://www.TedJob.com - Higher Education Jobs, Post Search for Free

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