[Neuroscience] Re: Convergent theorizing (was Re: Mirror, Mirror .... You Bloody Liar)

Constantine Y. Kouzovnikov via neur-sci%40net.bio.net (by kykouzovnikov from yahoo.ca)
Fri Feb 23 09:15:23 EST 2007

>I find it amusing, KK, that you say that "science is a contact sport" and then you tell me to back off when I start throwing checks. 


There is no conflict in what I said. A fight is OK, hitting below the belt isn't. But, this is only one rule. The other is: stop when it is an appropriate time to do it, i.e. don't kick those already on the ground. 
In science, which is very unfortunate, emotional violence is so prevalent that, at one point, someone needs to address it as a separate issue. 

Thanks for the recovery re: the role of philosophy in neuroscience and your permission to keep it within this group. 

  I have a bad habit of making a joke when facing an emotional challenge. It does look like when you are making a reference to your work you are also making people to "work" for you by sending us somewhere... with no clear destination, hence is frustration. Humour is one way to cope with it. No offence was intended. 
  I was absolutely positively serious about needing your help with getting anything you have in relation to both posterior fossa, in case I was not obvious. Will you help?


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