[Neuroscience] Re: Dendritic spine and Synaptic bouton content

r norman via neur-sci%40net.bio.net (by r_s_norman from _comcast.net)
Thu Feb 22 11:45:49 EST 2007

On 22 Feb 2007 02:27:41 -0800, Cervellone from gmail.com wrote:

>Thank you for your links they were very useful. May i ask you directly
>for your opinion in the STDP (Spike Timing dependent Plasticity)
>Thread ? 2 Threads before

I must admit that when I first saw your query I thought I might want
to respond but I really know very little about the details of that
particular subject.  Christian Wilms' replies pretty much duplicated
what I would have said.  However you have piqued my interest.  I now
have a copy of the Dan and Poo paper from Physiological Reviews and am
going through it.  I'll look into your questions and get back to you
probably later today or tomorrow.

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