[Neuroscience] Re: LTP and STDP

Christian Wilms via neur-sci%40net.bio.net (by usenet02 from out-of-phase.de)
Tue Feb 20 10:27:43 EST 2007

<Cervellone from gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks for the warning, and after browsing a bit through this
> newsgroup i found T/D minimalization everywere.  Do you know by any
> chance a neuroscience group that is more active than this one? I
> searched a lot but this was the best i found.

I'm afraid, this is at the moment as good as it gets. There are a number
of very qualified people semi-active in this group, so there are good
quality discussions every now and then. Looking at the past, I'd figure
your question belong to the category that tends to get good answers.

All the best, Christian

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