On 20 Feb., 11:29, usene... from out-of-phase.de (Christian Wilms) wrote:
> <Cervell... from gmail.com> wrote:
> > I am very sorry, but i didnt undestand a lot of your explanation. You
> > use i think a lot of computational neuroscience terms im not familiar
> > with.
>> Jean-Pierre, KP does not use terms from computational neuroscience. He
> uses terms from his very own theory on neuroscience. His theory is ...
> let's say controversial. All in all I would say very few if any
> investigators in the established neuroscience field agree with him.
>> I think this is something people new to neuroscience looking into this
> group should be aware of.
>> As to your actual questions: as someone not working in STDP I'm afraid I
> can't say all too much to them right now. It is conceivable that glycin
> and glutamate are co-released from the same synapse. There are a number
> of "regulars" in this group who only look in from time to time. If
> you're patient I think it is quite probable that you will receive a
> response.
>> All the best, Christian
Thanks for the warning, and after browsing a bit through this
newsgroup i found T/D minimalization everywere. Do you know by any
chance a neuroscience group that is more active than this one? I
searched a lot but this was the best i found.
Best whishes