[Neuroscience] Thalamocortical slices

Bill via neur-sci%40net.bio.net (by connelly.bill from gmail.com)
Mon Feb 19 21:29:11 EST 2007


Today I cut thalamocortical slices (from 5 week of mice) along the
lines of the Agmon and Connors 1991 paper. I had to cut them thinner
than they suggested (300uM). I can't even seem to get a cortical field
potential when I stimulate in the thalamus. I'm guessing this means
I'm selecting slices that are too far caudal/rostral or possibley one
of many other reasons. The slices themselves are viable (hippocampal
field potential, cortical cells are normal from the intracellular
point of view).

Anyone got any ideas?


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