[Neuroscience] Re: LTP and STDP

Cervellone from gmail.com via neur-sci%40net.bio.net (by Cervellone from gmail.com)
Mon Feb 19 19:00:47 EST 2007

On 19 Feb., 08:19, "Benjamin" <Benja... from verizon.net> wrote:
> <cervell... from gmail.com> wrote in message
> news:mailman.136.1171827170.4140.neur-sci from net.bio.net...
> > Hello everybody
> > while studying for my Masters in neuroscience i am learning a lot but i
> > dont
> > always understand everything immediately. So i'd like to pose some
> > questions.
> > For LTP it is necessary that Glutamate and Glycine be bound at the same
> > receptor. So i was wondering where the Glycine is from. Is it co stored in
> > the same vesicles as Glutamate?
> > In Spike Timing Dependent Plasticity (STDP) experiments, stimulation of
> > adjacent retinal Neurons by spike trains  causes a change in intracortical
> > connections in V1. These translate into a receptive field orientation
> > change
> > in V1 and this leads to a shift in the percieved postition of the
> > stimulus.
> > BUT  the percieved postition change and the receptive field change  are in
> > oppostite directions to one another.
> > I dont understand why. Is ist because retinal images have to be mirrored
> > because of lens passage?
> > If someone is interested: The article i got  it from  is : Spike timing
> > dependent plasticity, from synapse to perception by yang dan and mu-ming
> > poo; physiol rev  vol 86
> > Thank you for your time
> > Jean-Pierre
> If the inverted-displacements you discuss
> are traced-through the integrated nervous
> system, it turns out that the 'difference' cor-
> relates exactly with, and implements, abil-
> ity to act with directionality that is optimally
> 'appropriate' with respect to the stimulus
> set.
> The easiest way to begin to see this is by
> cross-correlating the "mirror-image" map-
> pings of primary sensory and motor cortices,
> which automatically inverts "acted-upon"
> and "act-upon" neural dynamics, which is
> all extremely-elegant because it enables
> the learning of motor behaviors that use
> prior sensory neural activation as "templates",
> the only intervening thing necessary being
> the 'blindly'-automated minimization of the
> topologically-distributed ratios of excitation
> to inhibition ["TD E/I-minimization"] that oc-
> cur within 'the' nervous system.
> It's a sub-dynamic within the automation-
> of-knowing.
> The stuff you shared with us is a particularly-
> delightful instance of the globally-distributed
> order which rigorously maintains "Direct-
> ionality" so that convergence can occur via
> simple TD E/I-minimization.
> Thank you for posting your discussion,
> Jean-Pierre.
> Cheers, k. p. collins

 Hello K P

I am very sorry, but i didnt undestand a lot of your explanation. You
use i think a lot of computational neuroscience terms im not familiar
with. Could you explain maybe in physiological terms?
What is TD E/i minimalization and how does it relate to STDP ?


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