[Neuroscience] Re: What exactly is "TD E/I-minimization"?

ian.vitro via neur-sci%40net.bio.net (by ian.vitro from gmail.com)
Mon Feb 19 18:08:31 EST 2007

You don't need to "know" anything to pull your hand away in the reflex
arc. That's like asking how a balance "knows" one side is heavier.
There's no knowing, just some glorious engineering. In fact, animals
have shown reflex arc activity with spine completely severed - cats
can go through the motions of walking if supported on a moving
treadmill with a transected spine. And therefore there's no
involvement of cerebellum. None. Whatsoever. And there's no problem
with that.

Thanks for the the concise and coherent posts, Ken, I can understand
what you're talking about here.


On Feb 19, 2:06 am, "Benjamin" <Benja... from verizon.net> wrote:
> "Steve Wolstenholme" <s... from tropheus.demon.co.uk> wrote in message
> news:aa0ht25sh7rtbv2ta5mkgedpcgjsegjiq7 from 4ax.com...
> > On 18 Feb 2007 07:53:03 -0800, "ian.vitro" <ian.vi... from gmail.com>
> > wrote:
> >>You actually pull your hand away from a hot stove before your brain
> >>has even recieved any input whatsoever that something happened to your
> >>hand.
> > So true. Despite being disabled with MS, my reflexes still work quite
> > well. I don't think my brain gets into the loop at all until later
> > when I try to put my hand back to where it should be.
> And how do you 'know' how to
> do that?
> :-]
> It's what I've been discussing.
> k. p. collins

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