[Neuroscience] interested in research for depression

Cesar Cestero via neur-sci%40net.bio.net (by dr.cestero from gmail.com)
Wed Feb 14 01:54:49 EST 2007

hello, I am a young doctor (27) form Dominican Republic with an ECFMG
certificate who is  very interested in researching future treatments for
I am very motivated because depression runs in my family and I would like to
dedicate my life to research this disease and help find a better solution to
the problem. currently I don't know what organisations work toward this
goal. If there is any information  that might help me in my search to become
a  depression researcher it will be of great help.

If there is any use for some one like me in your organization I am in the
best disposition.

Cesar M. Cestero, M.D.

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