[Neuroscience] Re: What role do chemicals play in motivation?

chadmaester via neur-sci%40net.bio.net (by chad.d.johnson from gmail.com)
Sun Feb 11 07:09:18 EST 2007

On Feb 10, 9:35 pm, "Benjamin" <Benja... from verizon.net> wrote:
> "chadmaester" <chad.d.john... from gmail.com> wrote in message
> news:1171045343.158893.50560 from v33g2000cwv.googlegroups.com...
> > Are chemicals the main factor in a person's or animal's motivation?
> > Does their presence/absence influence the ability to form/recall
> > memories?
> > What about when memories are already in place - do the chemicals then
> > just inhibit/exhibit recall of those memories?
> Neurochemicals are to memory as
> "nuts and bolts" are to "machine".
> There's a lot in-between that has to be
> understood if your Q is to actually be
> answered.
> ken

What I am hoping to do is make a basic computer model of Aplysia
sensitization/desensitization. I was wondering what the slug's
motivation is for pulling away as it does when touched. Would it be a
matter of self-preservation?

Where might I look to understand the 'in-between'? Any book/course

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