[Neuroscience] Re: I'm being cesored

Matthew Kirkcaldie via neur-sci%40net.bio.net (by m.kirkcaldie At removethis.unsw.edu.au)
Sat Feb 3 01:58:29 EST 2007

In article <crn6s2lgcq1n2fjk9nlu45dpb57bcbjikf At 4ax.com>,
 Steve Wolstenholme <steve At tropheus.demon.co.uk> wrote:

> But by answering your own messages you are effectively talking to
> yourself. If you have so much information to communicate just upload
> the lot to a web site and tell us where it is. Then anyone who wants
> to read it can do so without have to go through hundreds of usenet
> messages.

Steve, many of us have been down this road before - save your energy.

Ken is an interesting guy whom I believe views the nervous system quite 
interestingly, albeit in a very terminologically eccentric fashion - but 
his interaction with accepted "academic" science is very limited.

There is little to be gained by challenging him to provide proofs or 
predictions from his theory - those things, when provided, satisfy Ken 
because of their consistency with the rest of his ideas, but are 
difficult to understand for the rest of us.

I wish Ken well but I have realised that the opportunity for significant 
dialogue is hampered by these factors.  So I'm happy to let him be 
himself, and express his understanding on his specific terms, and accept 
that my terminology and views are different.

However - when I have taken time to ask "just what is Ken trying to say 
here?", it has caused me to challenge my own assumptions and biases, and 
I appreciate that.

 Cheers Steve - and Ken.


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