[Neuroscience] In vivo whole-cell recording

Hyunchul Lee via neur-sci%40net.bio.net (by hlee At medsci.usyd.edu.au)
Thu Feb 1 20:11:22 EST 2007

We've started doing in vivo whole cell recording in an anaesthetized mouse.
Contrary to what we first thought, stability wasn't as big an issue for us.
However, it does seem a lot harder to patch on than in slices...
My boss tells me it's just about getting used to it, but I'm not so sure 
that's all it is.

So the way I patch is apply positive pressure going into the bath/brain, 
enter the slice/brain and apply positive pressure again,
then go about looking for my cell.  The time that we did get cells, I 
remember that we applied a lot of suction to patch on.

Say, does anyone know if intracranial pressure could be the culprit?
If so, some papers say they open the cisterna magna to relieve 
intracranial pressure.
Would that do it for us?


Hyunchul Lee - PhD student
Systems Neuroscience Laboratory
N401 Anderson-Stuart Building (F13)
The University of Sydney, NSW, 2006 Australia

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