[Neuroscience] New article/reserach-finding relevant to the Actention Selection Serving System

Entertained by my own EIMC via neur-sci%40net.bio.net (by write_to_eimc from ozemail.com.au)
Thu Dec 27 07:41:31 EST 2007

The concEPT "actention modules" has yet another scientific indicator.
See http://www.nature.com/neuro/journal/v11/n1/abs/nn2024.html

The concEPT refers to a modularity that is on the whole of course not neatly 
localized. As far as some modules are being simultaneously active (or 
environmentally and/or endogenously activated) AND functionally 
incompatible, they do as if 'compete' against each other [as if for 'the 
prize' of becoming a "paid" actention" (i.e. 'paid' in the neurochemical 
'currency' of neurometabolic resources) or (IOW) for becoming a transiently 
"dominant" actention (within the repertoire of a neuromuscular individual's 
Actention Selection Serving Systems)] by the functural means of mutual 
("lateral") inhibition, and this whilst the competing modules are being as 
if encouraged (or as if 'cheered on') by excitatory sensory signaling or as 
if discouraged (or as if 'booed') by inhibitory sensory signaling prompted 
by present _and past_ environmental factors or features of influence.

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