[Neuroscience] Re: The Placebo Effect on the Rat Immune Response

John H. via neur-sci%40net.bio.net (by johnh from goawayplease.com)
Mon Dec 10 18:48:49 EST 2007

"Michael Olea" <oleaj from sbcglobal.net> wrote in message 
news:Yzd7j.29423$JD.23415 from newssvr21.news.prodigy.net...
> John H. wrote:
> <...>
>> What it definitely suggests is that the idea of classical conditioning is
>> not confined to what is typically regarded as 'behavior'. Radical
>> behaviorists may not be surprised by the idea that immunological function
>> constitutes 'behavior' but if you attend an immunology conference and
>> start talking about the classical conditioning of immunological processes
>> they are likely to throw you out of the nearest exit.
> http://hebb.mit.edu/people/seung/papers/Neuron18Dec03.pdf

Hey Michael,

As if summoned from some dark forest you have returned. Good. Thanks for 
this, interesting paper. 

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