[Neuroscience] Re: Carotenoid Transport into the RPE

Don W via neur-sci%40net.bio.net (by dwilgus from prodigy.net)
Sat Dec 8 15:22:51 EST 2007


  Since I am at the AR end of ARMD I cannot comment too much on the
Stargardt's problem.  Except to say that I think your efforts are
quite noble to help that 11 year old.  I can only imagine the impact
on the parents.  Good luck with your efforts.

  That small study on zinc and drusen appeared in Exp Eye Res 2007 Apr
by Lengyel, as you probably know.

  Oh, have not read (or heard of) the "reduction of total drusen" by
the "folk wisdom" approach (blueblockers).  The reduction part threw
me.  Where did you pick that up?

  One side effect of this thread is it has given me a better heads up
on the biophysics of the whole (hole??) darn problem.  Thanks.

Don W.

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