[Neuroscience] Neuroscience at King's

konstantin kouzovnikov via neur-sci%40net.bio.net (by myukhome from hotmail.com)
Wed Apr 25 14:38:44 EST 2007

have you checked the computational guys at Sheffield? Google M.D.Humphries, 
for instance. His two recent papers published at the Royal Society are very 


>From: peterh <peter.haslehurst from googlemail.com>
>To: neur-sci from magpie.bio.indiana.edu
>Subject: [Neuroscience] Neuroscience at King's
>Date: 24 Apr 2007 08:00:57 -0700
>I am planning to do a Masters in Neuroscience at King's College
>University of London, starting this September. Two questions:
>1) How does the course at King's compare with similar courses at other
>institutions eg UCL?
>2) What are the prospects of finding a job in Neuroscience after I
>have finished? I am 48 years old, and currently working in IT. I am
>hoping that a combination of neuroscience and computer skills might be
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