[Neuroscience] Re: Wherefore art thou Neuron Code?

konstantin kouzovnikov via neur-sci%40net.bio.net (by myukhome from hotmail.com)
Tue Apr 17 13:45:39 EST 2007

> > So, your nervous system "inverts" [AoK, Ap4]
> > the TD E/I that's occurring 'within' it [which it
> > can do be-cause of the stuff you "<snip>"-ed],
> > and re-Directs it =in the Direction= from which
> > your nervous system has [literally] calculated
> > [AoK, Ap6] the environmental source of the
> > "induced" TD E/I(up), which, in this case, was
> > 'me'.

This one reminds me Michael Apter’s “reversal psychology”. What’s especially 
impressive about Apter’s view concerning the phenomenology of behavioral 
patterns, or cycles to be more precise, is the fact that Apter’s approach 
actually predicts the “vector” of the behavior, i.e. what’s going to happen 
next, including emotionally. In turn, Apter’s approach was always reminding 
me Chinese “12 seasons” of social or individual dynamics…

However, going away from such “impressionistic” comments, I’d like to ask 
Ken about something else.

Ken, have you thought about what some term as a “false sense of familiarity” 
while others call it as a “false sense of certainty”? The context can be 
very broad. In some patients it is about certainty that he/she has never 
seen a face before. The problem occurs when the face belongs to his/her…  
father. However, there are rather more innocuous instances, such as one 
refusing to take a look at the readily available map and then driving off 
the direction one would want to take.

Have you had such instances when your certainty was challenged? What do you 
think about the mechanisms behind some of such..  behaviors?


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