[Neuroscience] A general question about neural curcuit

=?GB2312?B?tq3Q8Q==?= via neur-sci%40net.bio.net (by hslinhc from gmail.com)
Tue Apr 17 09:18:45 EST 2007

hi everyone, i'm new in computational neuroscience and I've got a question.
If three neurons were connected to form a closed circuit. Would the spiking
signal transfer in the circuit permanently or would it decrease and finally
the question is derived from the modeling of spiking neuron networks.
According to which, if one neuron spikes, and the electricity voltage is
above the next neuron's threshold, it would spike the next one.  So in a
model neural network, the signal would transfer persistently.
May the force be with you
Dong Xu
Biology Department, Xiamen University
Fu Rong 104,Xiamen University

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