OK, straight description.
At the start of the trial, both keys are illuminated white.
Peck left - right key out - t sec delay - green key - peck green - green
flashes - 4.0 s delay - 12.0 s access to food - 8.0 s inter-trial interval -
back to start
Peck right - left key out - t sec delay - red key and green key illuminated:
If red - green key out, red flashes - 1.0 s delay - 3.0 s access to food -
20.0 s inter-trial interval - back to start.
If Green - red key out, green flashes - 4.0 s delay - 12.0 s access to
food - 8.0 s inter-trial interval - back to start.
Which keys does the animal peck? What happens, if anything, as a function of
changes in t?
"Glen M. Sizemore" <gmsizemore2 from yahoo.com> wrote in message
news:4618cea0$0$22565$ed362ca5 from nr2.newsreader.com...
>> "Benjamin" <Benjamin from verizon.net> wrote in message
> news:f10Sh.2802$hb3.383 from trndny01...>> "Glen M. Sizemore" <gmsizemore2 from yahoo.com> wrote in message
>> news:4617ac1f$0$22588$ed362ca5 from nr2.newsreader.com...>> | [...]
>>>> Please put your two msgs together.
>>>> I don't want to 'guess' with respect
>> to =your= experimental design.
>>>> [Because I've already found two
>> flaws in the design, and will
>> probably find more. So be sure
>> it's what you actually want it to
>> be before you ask me to 'solve' it.]
>>>> k. p. collins
>>>>>> Ok, Ken. I'll make a one more change. When red and green are both
> illuminated, a peck to one of them causes the other to extinguish and the
> one pecked begins flashing. It probably isn't necessary - I myself don't
> do this kind of experiment - but I'll go with that. The whole procedure,
> then, is:
>>>>>> Start trial:
>>>> Both keys white
>>>> Peck left: Peck right :
>> Right key out Left key out
>> Left key stays on Right key stays on
>>>> T seconds T seconds
>>>> Green: Red Green
>> G flashes G out red flashes R out
> green flashes
>>>> 4.0 s 1.0 s 4.0 s
>>>> 12.0 s access to food 3.0 s access to food 12.0 s
> access to food
>>>> 8.0 s inter-trial interval 20.0 s inter-trial interval
> 8.0 s inter-trial interval
>>>>>> BACK TO START----------------------------------BACK TO START
>>>>>> In addition, periodically, there are forced trials where the animal has to
> sample the contingencies programmed for one choice.
>>>> If the above doesn't show up formatted correctly, I'll repost it as a
> straight description.