[Neuroscience] Re: Wherefore art thou Neuron Code?

Glen M. Sizemore via neur-sci%40net.bio.net (by gmsizemore2 from yahoo.com)
Sun Apr 8 06:15:04 EST 2007

"Benjamin" <Benjamin from verizon.net> wrote in message 
news:f10Sh.2802$hb3.383 from trndny01...
> "Glen M. Sizemore" <gmsizemore2 from yahoo.com> wrote in message
> news:4617ac1f$0$22588$ed362ca5 from nr2.newsreader.com...
> | [...]
> Please put your two msgs together.
> I don't want to 'guess' with respect
> to =your= experimental design.
> [Because I've already found two
> flaws in the design, and will
> probably find more. So be sure
> it's what you actually want it to
> be before you ask me to 'solve' it.]
> k. p. collins

Ok, Ken. I'll make a one more change. When red and green are both 
illuminated, a peck to one of them causes the other to extinguish and the 
one pecked begins flashing. It probably isn't necessary - I myself don't do 
this kind of experiment - but I'll go with that. The whole procedure, then, 

Start trial:

                                    Both keys white

     Peck left:                                              Peck right :

   Right key out                                          Left key out

Left key stays on                                    Right key stays on

      T seconds                                             T seconds

          Green:                                         Red 

        G flashes                             G out red flashes   R out 
green flashes

             4.0 s                                           1.0 s 
4.0 s

    12.0 s access to food             3.0 s access to food      12.0 s 
access to food

     8.0 s inter-trial interval         20.0 s inter-trial interval      8.0 
s inter-trial interval

         BACK TO START----------------------------------BACK TO START

In addition, periodically, there are forced trials where the animal has to 
sample the contingencies programmed for one choice.

If the above doesn't show up formatted correctly, I'll repost it as a 
straight description.

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