[Neuroscience] Re: Growing a Brain in Switzerland

Lawson English via neur-sci%40net.bio.net (by LawsonE from nowhere.none)
Sat Apr 7 05:17:26 EST 2007

Allen L. Barker wrote:
> Growing a Brain in Switzerland
> http://www.spiegel.de/international/spiegel/0,1518,466789,00.html
> By Manfred Dworschak
> February 16, 2007
> A network of artificial nerves is growing in a Swiss supercomputer
> -- meant to simulate a natural brain, cell-for-cell. The researchers
> at work on "Blue Brain" promise new insights into the sources of
> human consciousness.

This is related, I think:


Lecture 2 of 12 of IBM Research's Almaden Institute Conference on 
Cognitive Computing. Markram discusses microcolumns in the brain, and 
shows several video animations of computer models of neurons 
communicating in a microcolumn. His model includes 10,000 neurons, which 
is a *very* large number of neurons to model.

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