[Neuroscience] FIAS Summer School Theoretical Neuroscience & Complex Systems (4-26 August 2007, Frankfurt, Germany)

csavin from gmail.com via neur-sci%40net.bio.net (by csavin from gmail.com)
Mon Apr 2 09:05:19 EST 2007

<apologies for multiple postings>

Announcement and Call for Applications:

Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies (FIAS) Summer School on:

  Theoretical Neuroscience & Complex Systems

We invite applications for a three-week summer workshop that will be
held in Frankfurt, Germany from Saturday, August 4 to Sunday, August
26, 2007. The application deadline is Monday, April 30. Application
instructions are described at the bottom of this document.


Emery BROWN, Harvard and MIT, USA
Peter DAYAN, Gatsby, England
Sophie DENEVE, ISC and CNRS, France
Yves FREGNAC*, CNRS, France
Ralf GALUSKE, TU Darmstadt, Germany
Wulfram GERSTNER, EPFL, Switzerland
Rainer GOEBEL, Univ. Maastricht, Netherlands
Christof KOCH*, Caltech, USA
Wolfgang MAASS, TU Graz, Austria
Christoph VON DER MALSBURG, FIAS, Germany
Bartlett MEL*, USC, USA
Matthias MUNK, MPI, Germany
Danko NIKOLIC, MPI, Germany
Gordon PIPA, FIAS and MPI, Germany
Kerstin SCHMIDT, MPI, Germany
Terrence SEJNOWSKI, Salk Institute, USA
Wolf SINGER, FIAS and MPI, Germany
Jean-Jacques SLOTINE, MIT, USA
Olaf SPORNS, Indiana Univ., USA
Jochen TRIESCH, FIAS, Germany
Misha TSODYKS, Weizmann Inst., Israel
Peter UHLHAAS, MPI, Germany
Carl VAN VREESWIJK, Rene Descartes Univ., France
Cornelius WEBER, FIAS, Germany
Michael WIBRAL, MPI, Germany
Laurenz WISKOTT, HU Berlin, Germany



There is a deficiency in the exchange of ideas between theoretical
physicists and experimental biologists. This arises from different
background knowledge bases and viewpoints, even when addressing the
same problem. The aim of the FIAS Summer School on Theoretical
Neuroscience and Complex Systems is to provide a bridge linking
experimentalists and theorists. The school also addresses the
challenge of further developing theoretical concepts and transferring
them into the interdisciplinary field of neuroscience. The success of
this will be dependent on the training of students that can bridge the
different fields.

The school comprises:
- a 4-day pre-school to establish a common foundation and language
- daily lectures by renowned international faculty
- hands-on work on self-defined projects in interdisciplinary groups
- a social and cultural program

For details see: http://fias.uni-frankfurt.de/neuro_school/


FIAS organizes the summer school and covers the accommodation and the
cultural program. Students have to pay a registration fee of 150 Euro.
Students in need of financial support can apply for a limited number
of reimbursements for travel expenses and waivers for the registration
fee. Please indicate this in your application and provide an estimate
of your travel expenses (in Euro).


Students who have a bachelor, a master, a Ph.D., or other equivalent
degrees can apply for this summer school. To apply, please provide
two letters of recommendation, a curriculum vitae, as well as a one
page description of a small project you would like work on.

Information about applying and the summer school in general can be
found at the website: http://www.fias.uni-frankfurt.de/neuro_school/

Applications must include:

- First name, last name, gender, affiliation, valid e-mail address
- Two letters of recommendation
- Curriculum Vitae
- Project proposal (max. one page)
- Optional: request for reimbursement of travel expenses
- Optional: request for waiver for registration fees

Please send your documents electronically to:
neuro_school from fias.uni-frankfurt.de

The application deadline is April 30, 2006.
Applicants will be notified by e-mail by May 26, 2006.

For further information, please contact:

Neuro School
Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies
Johann Wolfgang Goethe University
Max-von-Laue-Str. 1
60438 Frankfurt am Main

email: neuro_school from fias.uni-frankfurt.de
tel: +49 69 798 47531
fax: +49 69 798 47611

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