Hi Bill! Sorry for the long wait.
> if I'm wanting to look at inhibition in cerebellar granule cells; there
> inhibition comes solely (or nearly solely) from golgi cells?
As far as I can recollect that should be the case.
> So electrically evoked IPSCs would be best generated with
> a fine electrode in the granule layer close to my patch electrode?
Yes, but you will also be stimulating a lot of granule cells in that
manner, which might cause some feedforward effects - consider blocking
that with CNQX if things get complicated. You might also see a lot of
background inhibitory activity. If this turns out to be a problem, you
might want to inhibit NMDA transmission, as cerebellar interneurons
appear to get a lot of NMDA input - high Mg2+ might be less expensive
than AP-V and sufficient as well.
> Also, if I'm after GABAergic inhibition, there is a significant
> population of GlyRs out there, so strychnine is the order of the day?
Puh ... you've definately got me there ... I really wouldn't know. A
colleague of mine is deeper into that. I'll try to remember to ask him
on that.
All the best, Christian