[Neuroscience] Artificial Mind - Part One - Basic Architecture and Cognitive Structure 1st Edition is now available (free download for Evaluation Edition)

tommak via neur-sci%40net.bio.net (by tomwingmak at yahoo.com)
Tue Oct 10 05:16:16 EST 2006

It's a dream of human beings to build machines that can think and
behave like human beings.  The most important part of of such a machine
is an artificial mind that can emulate the cognitive processing of
human mind.

This book, "Next Generation Artificial Intelligence, Artificial Mind -
Part One - Basic Architecture and Cognitive Structure" introduces a
basic artificial mind architecture and computational model for
cognitive processing.  Inside the book, three important cognitive
process modeling components, mental objects network (MON),
associative-learning mechanisms and a concept formation principle are
introduced.  Based on the architecture and the computational model, one
can develop his own model of artificial mind according to his own
specific requirements.

The first edition of Artificial Mind - Part One is now available for
purchase from the author's personal web site. The price of the e-book
is USD7.00 (seven US dollars).  An evaluation edition of this e-book is
also available for download from the web site.

The author's personal web site:

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