To whom it may concern
I am currently a coordinator of a first year subject at La Trobe
University in Melbourne Australia. The subject we run is Behavioural
Neuroscience and it is taught in the Psychology Degree here. We are
very interested in using your program 'The Graphic Brain:
Neurophysiology' in this subject for teaching purposes.
We offer this subject on three different campus locations and expect to
have a total of approximately 350 students enroled in the subject in
Would you be able to provide me with a quote for this product (for
Windows) with a licence sufficient to cover this number of students.
Emma Gould
Associate Lecturer
School of Psychological Science
Faculty of Science, Technology and Engineering
La Trobe University
Victoria, 3086
PH: +61 3 9479 3971
FAX: +61 3 9479 1956
EMAIL: E.Gould at