Bill wrote:
> Who invented the classical Basal Ganglia Model? You know, the simple,
> direct-indirect loop model.
>> I can find an "almost" version in:
> Alexander, GE, DeLong, MR, Strick, PL (1986) Parallel organization of
> functionally segregated circuits linking basal ganglia and cortex. Annu
> Rev Neurosci 9: 357-81.
>> And a complete, but "this is already fact, worked out ages ago" report
> of it in:
> Alexander, GE, Crutcher, MD (1990) Functional architecture of basal
> ganglia circuits: neural substrates of parallel processing. Trends
> Neurosci 13: 266-71.
>> Does anyone know, inbetween those two papers when it was outlined (or
> maybe it was done before then possibley by Delong?).
>> Any theories would be appriciated.
Have a look at Fig. 2 in:
Albin, Roger L.; Young, Anne B.; Penney, John B. The functional anatomy
of basal ganglia disorders. Trends in Neurosciences. 1989; Vol 12,
Issue: 10, pp. 366-375
And maybe this (just a guess - I cannot access it):
Penney JB Jr, Young AB. Speculations on the functional anatomy of basal
ganglia disorders.
Annu Rev Neurosci. 1983;6:73-94.
Joe Legris