[Neuroscience] Re: Distant connections between neurons

r norman NotMyRealEmail at _comcast.net
Fri Mar 31 11:41:16 EST 2006

On Fri, 31 Mar 2006 13:53:56 +0530, ganges <ganges.g at gmail.com> wrote:

>Can neuroscince tell the fucntional significance of long range connections.
>What is the signifincance of local densed connections, Long range
>connections etc?
>Any idea?
>Having long range connections has any link to small world networks(Dynamical
>sytems terminology)

You seem to be rather unacquainted with any details of neurobiology.  

I suggest you read G. Shepherd's "Neurobiology" or his "Synaptic
Organization of the Brain".  Although just a bit dated, now, both of
these have nice discussions of the notion of microcircuits, local
circuits, pathways, etc.

Actually any good neurobiology book will, also.

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