Can neuroscince tell the fucntional significance of long range connections.
What is the signifincance of local densed connections, Long range
connections etc?
Any idea?
Having long range connections has any link to small world networks(Dynamical
sytems terminology)
waiting for some one's reply
On 3/30/06, r norman <NotMyRealEmail at> wrote:
>> On 30 Mar 2006 08:49:42 -0800, tehgabriel at wrote:
>> >An often mentioned example for very long neurons are the motorneurons
> >of whales. I never spent time in backchecking this but according to a
> >quick google search, they can have several tenth of meters length.
> >Maybe someone can confirm this?
>> If the Blue Whale can be up to 100 feet (30 meters) long, then they
> certainly have axons on that order.
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