[Neuroscience] Re: Brain and awarness

feedbackdroids at yahoo.com feedbackdroids at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 30 15:29:02 EST 2006

r norman wrote:
> On 30 Mar 2006 11:07:16 -0800, feedbackdroids at yahoo.com wrote:
> >A single-celled protozoan has a "lightspot" [actually, an aggregation
> >of light-sensitive molecules] on one side right next to its flagellum
> >base. Apparently they cause production of some chemical which
> >stimulates the flagellum to move. Do you think the protozoan could hit
> >a baseball pitch? If not, why not?
> I can answer that!  The protozoan might be able to actually hit the
> pitch, but the cilia are not strong enough to hit it hard enough to
> get on base.  As a result, it the manager would most likely call for a
> pitch hitter whenever the protozoan has an at-bat.

RATZ!!! I always forget that part.

In fact, there are some protozoa that can actually hit the ball - after
all of the necessary sensory-motor reflexes are indeed built into their

"bodies", ie if(darkening), then(move flagellum) - but they are ALL
abysmal at base running. Takes more than just brains to be a good
ball player.

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