[Neuroscience] Re: Brain and awarness

Glen M. Sizemore gmsizemore2 at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 30 11:42:39 EST 2006

<tehgabriel at web.de> wrote in message 
news:1143736893.124744.35460 at j33g2000cwa.googlegroups.com...
> Hi!
> The average reaction time of humans is around 1 s (e.g. time one needs
> to initiate braking his car after the perception of a red light).
> Training and expectation (you know that a certain event will happen)
> can lower the reaction time to 0.1 to 0.4 s. So, definitivley below 0.5
> s.
> Concerning your example with the pitcher (I am not familiar with
> baseball) i would assume what enables one to hit the ball properly is
> the ability to predict a chain of subsequent events. One can predict
> (note that precision of prediction increases with experience/practise):
> how the pitcher will move  =>  at which point the ball will leave his
> hand  =>  the way of the ball
> Regards,
> Thomas

In other words, as I already said, "our behavior is under stimulus control 
of aspects of the pitcher's motion
that precede the release of the pitch."

>> > Hi! Is it correct that it takes about 0.5 second to become aware of
>> > something that creates a neurological reaction in the brain?
>> >
>> > When we hit the baseball the time is less than 0.5 second from when it
>> > left
>> > the hand. How can we then see it leave the hand and hit it perfectly 
>> > with
>> > practise?
>> >
>> > Thanks!

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