"Glen M. Sizemore" <gmsizemore2 at yahoo.com> wrote in message
news:44292e70$0$26918$ed362ca5 at nr1.newsreader.com...
>> "Johan" <rwferge at spammail.com> wrote in message
> news:fe9Wf.50093$d5.206745 at newsb.telia.net...>> Hi! Is it correct that it takes about 0.5 second to become aware of
>> something that creates a neurological reaction in the brain?
>>>> When we hit the baseball the time is less than 0.5 second from when it
>> left
>> the hand. How can we then see it leave the hand and hit it perfectly with
>> practise?
>> It is not clear that your premises are correct, but a partial answer is
> that our behavior is under stimulus control of aspects of the pitcher's
> motion that precede the release of the pitch. The stimulus control is
> subtle, and it is unlikely that even good hitters cannot articulate what
> is controlling their behavior.
Oops. I should have said: The stimulus control is subtle, and it is unlikely
that even good hitters CAN articulate what is controlling
their behavior.
>>>>>>> Thanks!