From: Engineering Letters (
CFP: Special Issue on Bioinformatics
Bioinformatics aims to solve biological problems by using techniques
from mathematics, statistics, computer science, and machine learning.
Recent years have observed the essential use of these techniques in
this field. Examples of such applications include those to gene
expression data analysis, gene-protein interactions, protein folding
and structure prediction, genetic and molecular networks, sequence and
structural motifs, genomics and proteomics, text mining in
bioinformatics, and so on. Bioinformatics provides opportunities for
developing novel machine learning techniques; and machine learning
plays a key role in advancing bioinformatics. This special issue is
devoted to computational challenges of important biological problems.
Any papers involving the development of state-of-the-art machine
learning algorithms and their applications to various tasks in
bioinformatics are welcome.
Authors should submit their papers electronically, in PDF format to
dchen{at} with the subject indicating "Submission to EL".
Submitted papers must be original. All submitted papers will be sent to
reviewers for evaluation on originality, relevance, significance, and
All submissions must be prepared in the standard format (templates and
style files for MS Word and LaTeX are available by sending an email to
el{at} Papers should not exceed 15 pages including figures,
references and appendices. There are no page charges for papers
appearing in the special issue.
Submission of paper: May 1, 2006
Notification of acceptance: June 1, 2006
Camera Ready Copy due: July 1, 2006
Dr. Dechang Chen, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences,
Email: dchen{at}
Engineering Letters
ISSN: 1816-0948 (online version); 1816-093X (print version)
Subject Category: Computer science and engineering
Published by:
International Association of Engineers
It will be highly appreciated if you can circulate these calls for
papers to your colleagues.