[Neuroscience] post doc on neural stem cells in Montpellier, France

hugnot at univ-montp2.fr hugnot at univ-montp2.fr
Thu Mar 23 03:14:12 EST 2006

A 3 years Europe-funded post doctoral fellowship is available in our
lab (beginning 4/2006 till 9/2006). We are  interested in neural stem
cell isolation, characterization and differentiation. We are looking
for a post-doc, with a background in stem cell biology if possible, to
conduct studies on human and mouse spinal cord neural precursor cells.
Applicants should send their complete CV  and the names and addresses
of two persons who could supply references. Mains techniques: CNS
dissection, cell cultures, cytometry, histology, molecular biology.

Contact :
Jean Philippe Hugnot
Montpellier, France
hugnot at univ-montp2.fr
Tél :

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