[Neuroscience] MIND & BRAIN Prize 2006 Announcement

Valeria.Manera at gmail.com Valeria.Manera at gmail.com
Wed Mar 22 09:48:09 EST 2006

TURIN - MAY 24, 2006

The Center for Cognitive Science of Torino will award the 2006 M&B
Prize  to:
- John R. Searle, University of Berkeley: for the significant insights
and the remarkable theoretical and technical advancements in the study
of the mind and of the nature and structure of language in its social
- Giovanni Liotti, president of the Italian Society of Behavioural and
Cognitive Therapy (SITCC): for the outstanding theoretical advancements
in the field of Attachment Theory, and for the clinical implications of
his studies on the aetiopathogenesis and treatment of dissociative and
borderline states.
- Andrea Comba, president of the CRT Foundation: for the active
involvement in supporting and sponsoring scientific research in
cognitive sciences.

The award ceremony will be held in Turin on May 24, 2006.
The Mind & Brain Prize was established in 2003 and aims at honoring the
most relevant researchers in the field of Cognitive Science, as well as
persons whose generous support and sponsorship has contributed to the
growth and development of the discipline.
In previous editions the Center for Cognitive Science has awarded the
prize to Jerry A. Fodor, James L. McClelland, Philip Johnson-Laird,
Domenico Parisi, Giacomo Rizzolatti  and Carlo Umiltà.
Every useful information about the present and the past editions of the
Mind & Brain Prize can be found at the following web site:


On May 25 John Searle will held a public conference at Torino Incontra
Cenference Centre.

For more information please contact Valeria Manera:
valeria.manera at unito.it

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