[Neuroscience] FW: THE BRIDGE AT MIDNIGHT TREMBLES - a new award winning film about a man with Parkinson's Disease.

Esben Storm storm at a1.com.au
Sun Mar 12 06:56:48 EST 2006


Please allow me to introduce you to THE BRIDGE AT MIDNIGHT TREMBLES, an
intimate study of a man with Parkinson¹s disease who has a life altering
operation called Deep Brain Stimulation.

THE BRIDGE won the BEST AUSTRALIAN DOCUMENTARY award when it premiered
recently at the Real Life Film Festival in  Melbourne.

If you¹ve got Parkinson¹s,
If you care for someone with Parkinson¹s,
If you¹re treating someone with Parkinson¹s,
You might see something of your experience in this film.
For more information, please click on http://bridgetrembles.com

With best wishes
Esben Storm
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