it is very kind of you, Peter...
regardinh the "visiting" of the site: As soon as I found someone willing to
accept an old dog to study brain stem/cerebellar involvement into emotion
and psychosis, I will be back...
Text me if you are around Yorkshire. The beer is good around here, almost as
good as back home in Nova Scotia and the lockal gents in pubs still maintain
the ancient right not to ask the experts a permission to talk about
anything, an old, but still a very fresh life position.
>From: "Peter F" <19eimc_minus19 at>
>To: neur-sci at>Subject: Re: [Neuroscience] Re: entorhinal cortex
>Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 02:19:23 +1100
>>You Konstantin have provide me with some of the rare breaths of fresh air
>here in bionet.neuroscience.
>>Thanks for visiting!
>>Here is my 'concEPTually' compressed position of (a perversely septic
>humored ;->) understanding (explained in brief):
>>Given that one looks from far enough above, from different angles, zooms in
>and out as required, and is both perceptive and realistic enough to not
>demand a *too complete* understanding (or a too finely dotted or densely
>scientifically plotted picture) of how lifetime environmental features and
>influences affect and interact with the biochemistry of individuals [to
>cause the differences between ill and a well (neuropsychophysiologically
>'physically' so) human individuals/relationships/societies], then a
>comprehensive enough 'explanatory picture' that both satisfies and can be a
>guide for further scientific exploration [for further new details and
>insights into this (and other) aspect of "What Is going on"] is already
>possible to achieve.
>>I know (but will here not try to explain how) that, for a balanced picture
>of us people, the most lacking (or too faint and difuse) focus of
>scientific attention is the one that looks into how different kinds of
>trauma [*slow* as well as tardy traumas - i.e. a spectrum of lifetime
>situations the survival of which require ("implore") that a synaptic (hence
>possibly highly specific) "hibernation" is induced within the nervous
>system (or within what I only half-jokingly refer to as the "Actention
>Selection System") of individuals who are "in" such situations] are stored
>and how they thereafter insidiously influence the psychological and somatic
>development, physiology and behavior of individuals.
>>Janov calls such memories "primal pain".
>>I have had fun by contriving, or playing with words to arrive at, the
>acronym CURSES for the same type of memories.
>>[Actually, I have made sure I can describe such memories and how they
>as insidious as they are, by saying that: What puts a "'Conditioned-in'
>Unconsciously Remembered Stressors, Effecting Symtoms" the "Actention
>Selection System" of individuals are happenstances that causes them to end
>up in a "Specific Hibernation Imploring Type Situations".]
>>With best wishes and regards,
>Neur-sci mailing list
>Neur-sci at>
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