SJM Guzman <jose.guzman at> wrote:
> What did you mean with "We used an Axoclamp 2B. As far as I understand
> that's acutally an overkill"? I read quite a few good papers, where they
> used exactly this amplifier without any extra consideration.
I meant, that an Axoclamp 2B is fairly expensive and can do a lot more
than just extracellular recordings. So, if you're _only_ planning on
doing extracellular recordings, you can just as well buy a much cheaper
amplifier. Or, if you're looking for extra-fun you can build your own.
If I remember correctly you'ld be looking at a "Radio Shack" (or
"Conrad" in Germany) shopping list of round about $100 - $200.
I've never actually built one, but I would like to :-) So, if one of us
can convince one of our PIs to buy the parts, maybe we can have a go at
it ...