[Neuroscience] Are child abuse and schizophrenia linked?

fahochar fahochar at localnet.com
Wed Jun 21 13:15:15 EST 2006

According to Ruth Whalen, author of "Welcome to the Dance: Caffeine
Allergy," a new book, child abuse and other forms of stress, and especially
when combined with caffeine or other stimulants, cause "mental illness,"
including schizophrenia by exciting the brain and breaking down cell walls,
targeting the brain.

----- Original Message -----
From: <neur-sci-request at oat.bio.indiana.edu>
To: <neur-sci at magpie.bio.indiana.edu>
Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2006 1:01 PM
Subject: Neur-sci Digest, Vol 13, Issue 13

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> Today's Topics:
>    1. RE: Re: New Scientist article: "Are child abuse
>       andschizophrenia linked?" (konstantin kouzovnikov)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2006 16:33:34 +0000
> From: "konstantin kouzovnikov" <myukhome at hotmail.com>
> Subject: RE: [Neuroscience] Re: New Scientist article: "Are child
> abuse andschizophrenia linked?"
> To: neur-sci at magpie.bio.indiana.edu
> Message-ID: <BAY111-F34383BEF63939D31BB1B66CA870 at phx.gbl>
> Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed
>     > Are child abuse and schizophrenia linked?
> They say that the majority of the problem is where it has'n began yet. Who
> was this female American writer who said that every question can be
> answered, but the point is it has to be formulated correctly.
> There is little doubt that what John has written is true. Well, in a way..
> It all depends on what we call schizophrenia. Theoretically speaking, is
> possible to develop a condition fitting the criteria for schizophrenia as
> purely a result of developmentally (environmentally) induced trauma? Sure.
> On another hand, isn't the "other schizophrenia" is a highly inheritable
> condition? Sure. Is it possible to have a brother called Darrel and to
> another brother called Darrel? Absolutely, I've seen it on TV. Since the
> latter (the condition, not the other Darrel), without no doubt, can be
> triggered developmentally, it is the combination of the two is not a point
> of the contention, but the conditions viewed as the "pure" results of
> either. Is it possible to have a number of schizophrenias? How could it be
> questioned if some of "them" are not treatable? (Captain Spoke would
> considered as illogical calling a condition A if the A related medication
> not working).
> So, can we wait until we do get one question answered, first? Could we
> decide what is and what is not schizophrenia? AS though we need to have
> additional argument that children do better if the adults treat them
> right...Hence my old argument: if the assessment procedure is done right
> which requires right public policies/laws and public money, this is not a
> question which cannot be answered as all the techniques assessing
> of the developmental aspects of potential psychopathology are not only
> available, they are as old as the way of making living by offering people
> advice. If you don't belive me then find James Prescott's web page
> violence and take a look at the old R.G. Heath's work on maternal
> deprivation and neglect in monkeys in relation to... everything, including
> psychotic symptoms.
> In short, sure, any violation can cause in humans anything. As usua,l it
> takes consistency and good enough level of physical or psychological
> violence causing a child  to feel as against the wall.
> Cheers,
> Konstantin
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