ECP-2006 Invitation for Abstract Submission
The Evolutionary Computation in Practice (ECP) track at Genetic and
Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) is dedicated to the discussion
of issues related to practical application of Evolutionary Computation.
For the past four years, members from industry, governmental agencies and
other public sectors have participated in presentations and discussions
describing how evolution-related technologies are being used to solve
real-world problems. Moreover, subjects on bridging academic training and
real-world usage are also addressed (see, and, In 2006, we continue to provide
a forum for EC practitioners to exchange ideas and to promote a wider
usage of the technology.
We invite you to present work that employs evolution-related technologies
to solve real-world problems. We are accepting one to two page abstracts
for review, with the following themes:
· Real-world application success story;
· Real-world application lessons learned;
· Academic case study in real-world applications;
· Expectations of academic training from industry;
The subject domains include, but not limited to the following:
· Biomedical;
· Design;
· Energy and Resources;
· Finance;
· Government and Military;
· Academic training for real-world applications;
· Computer Graphics and Gaming;
The applied technology can be any evolution-related algorithms or its
hybrid with other techniques. For a list of evolution-related
technologies, please refer to this website. Examples of other technologies
are agent-based modeling, simulated annealing, tabu search, neural
networks, fuzzy logic, statistical modeling, and decision trees.
Submission deadline: January 31, 2006
Electronic submission:
· Tina Yu, Memorial University of Newfoundland,
· Cem Baydar, Accenture,
Advisory Committee:
· David Davis, NuTech Solutions,
· Rajkumar Roy, Cranfield University,
· Mark Jakiela, Washington University in St. Louis,
Dr. Tina Yu
Associate Professor
Department of Computer Science
Memorial University of Newfoundland
St. John's, NL