I hope I am posting to an appropriate group.
I really like the house in Stamford, Connecticut. It was on 263
Strawberry Hill Avenue. I lived in that house for the 1st 2.5 years of
my life. I was born on 10-22-83. It was my favorite house.
How is it that I could remembers things before I turned 3? Doesn't
long-term memory start at around 3?
H*** I can remember see one of my aunts in the hospital. This was when
my aunt was giving birth to her son in September of '85. I obviously
didn't know why she was in the hospital but I do remember her lying on
a bed. I can remember her being very uncomforable. This memory has been
confirmed by my parents as my aunt giving giving birth to her son.
During this, I was a month less than 2 years of age!
I really like that house for some reason. It felt so big, so magical,
so psychedelic, clean, and comfortable. It was like a different world.
But I wasn't in that house for the entire first 2.5 years. I had gone
to India in '86 from January to July. I could differentiate Stamford
and India from each other. I can remeber returing from India to
Connecticut. After I can back we only stayed in the Stamford house for
3 days [well, my parents think it was 3 days! For me it felt much
longer, even though I loved the Stamford house!] before moving to a
burrough called "Queens" in New York.
Really, the house in Stamford felt like a different world and I can
remember it.
My family is Indian. There are some Indian songs that they played that
remind me of the house in Stamford, Connecticut. When listening to
those songs, I actally feel like I am in that house again! It is just
so amazing and real.
Is their something wierd about me than enables me to go beyond 3 years
of age?
Anyone else in this group, feel free to tell me how far into your
childhood you can remember.
Scientifically [at least in current research] what deteremines how
early long-term memory starts?
Any assistance on this matter will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance,