[Neuroscience] New MSc in Computational and Systems Neuroscience, University of Sheffield, UK

M Csn csn-msc at sheffield.ac.uk
Thu Jul 14 06:20:45 EST 2005

We are pleased to announce a new MSc:

    Computational and Systems Neuroscience (CSN)

This MSc is associated with the Centre for Signal Processing in
Neuroimaging and Systems Neuroscience (SPiNSN) based in the Department
of Psychology at the University of Sheffield.

The course is full time for one year, and is due to start in October
2006. At this time we are seeking *expressions of interest* rather
than formal applications.

*** Course description ****

Computational and systems neuroscience provide the foundation for
understanding the relationship between brain function and the
cognitive, perceptual and motor mechanisms which underpin
behaviour. Specifically, computational neuroscience utilises
neuroscientific data to construct rigorous computational models of
brain function, whereas systems neuroscience relates the empirical
results of neuroscientific studies to cognitive and behavioural
function.  Together, these new and interdependent disciplines are
providing the foundation for a deep understanding of the relationship
between brain function and the cognitive, perceptual and motor
mechanisms which underpin behaviour.  During this course students will
gain an in-depth understanding of the core problems immanent in
computational and systems neuroscience, and will develop a thorough
understanding of the techniques used to address these problems.  This
will involve learning a diverse range of disciplines, including
neuroscience, cognitive neuroscience, computer programming, simulation
modelling and relevant mathematics.

The course includes mathematical content, and we are therefore keen to
recruit students from two backgrounds.  First, we would like to
recruit students from numerate disciplines (e.g physical sciences,
mathematics or engineering) who wish to apply their skills in a
neuroscientific context; training in the essential neuroscience
background will be provided.  Second, we would like to
recruit students from the biological sciences who feel able to tackle
mathematical material; tutorial help will be available to assist in
this respect.

If you think you may be interested in this course starting in October
2006, please send an email to csn-msc at sheffield.ac.uk. You will then be
placed on a database of interested people and will receive further
details on application procedures in due course.

For more information see http://www.shef.ac.uk/psychology/newpgrads/CSN.htm

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