Unfortunately, I wouldnt be able to do that, because I'm working in the
slice, blind.
Christian Wilms wrote:
> SJM Guzman <jose.guzman at medizin-uni-leipzig.de> wrote:
>> > I think is a good idea to monitor the contact (with the series
> > resistance), but anyhow... is not true that if you have a "whole-cell"
> > configuration the diffusion of the antibiotic would immedialtely lead to
> > the death of cell ?
>> Danke für die Blumen :-)
>> To be honest, I have never done perforated patch myself, but got very
> close at an early point of my doctoral work - hence my PI gave me a lot
> of advice, which I have never gotten down to trying myself. As far as I
> understood, the problem with monitoring ther series resistance would be
> that membrane breakdown would only have to be fairly small in order die
> allow washout, and hince would not have to make a significant difference
> in the series resistance.
>> I did however get to enjoy the advantages of the bridge-mode when doing
> long-term measurements ... ah ... the comfort of it is amazing. I can
> only recommend it :-)
>> bye, Christian