SJM Guzman <jose.guzman at> wrote:
> I think is a good idea to monitor the contact (with the series
> resistance), but anyhow... is not true that if you have a "whole-cell"
> configuration the diffusion of the antibiotic would immedialtely lead to
> the death of cell ?
Danke für die Blumen :-)
To be honest, I have never done perforated patch myself, but got very
close at an early point of my doctoral work - hence my PI gave me a lot
of advice, which I have never gotten down to trying myself. As far as I
understood, the problem with monitoring ther series resistance would be
that membrane breakdown would only have to be fairly small in order die
allow washout, and hince would not have to make a significant difference
in the series resistance.
I did however get to enjoy the advantages of the bridge-mode when doing
long-term measurements ... ah ... the comfort of it is amazing. I can
only recommend it :-)
bye, Christian