Neur-sci June 2004 Archives by date
Starting: Tue Jun 1 15:02:06 EST 2004
Ending: Wed Jun 30 17:13:59 EST 2004
Messages: 103
- SIDS in Twins: Low DHEA in utero
James Michael Howard
- [GWAVA:objz5z16] Attachment block message notification
- Shaping Science with Rhetoric
- Express message. We invite you to join in the Scientific Committee (or Organizing Committee).
Urgent from WSEAS
- A user at our website is searching for experiences about:
SYE Support Department
- fric facile !!!!!!!
- Call For Participation - 18 Joint Conferences in CS & CE - June 21-24, 2004, Las Vegas
Hamid Arabnia
- Awvkh d0n't wait any l0nger
malik bode
- Habituation and repression sorted by 'sniffing' -- a silly savant's percEPTion of the functional and phylogenetic distinKtion beween, habituation, and, repression
Peter F.
- Physicists in dance
Victor Eijkhout
- Invitation to IPSI-2004 VENICE and IPSI-2004 PRAGUE, vip/ba
- INVITED PAPER conference and journal publication, very low registration and cheapest 5-Star Hotel
- Breaking News on Aspartame and MS, including new movie, new treatment
Dr. Betty Martini
- Physicists in dance
- US Claims It is Not Bound To Laws Barring Torture
Allen L. Barker
- Physicists in dance
- US Claims It is Not Bound To Laws Barring Torture
Arthur T. Murray
- Starfish Neuroanatomy
- US Claims It is Not Bound To Laws Barring Torture
Alan Balmer
- Physicists in dance
James Marshall
- Starfish Neuroanatomy
r norman
- Physicists in dance
- Nature preprint - Pouille and Scanzani
Matthew Kirkcaldie
- Starfish Neuroanatomy
- Breaking News on Aspartame and MS, including new movie, new treatment
- Physicists in dance
Icono Clast
- Starfish Neuroanatomy
r norman
- Nature preprint - Pouille and Scanzani
- Nature preprint - Pouille and Scanzani
Peter F.
- aspartame, MSG, excitotoxins, NMDA glutamate receptors, multiple sclerosis: Blaylock: Martini: Murray 2004.06.09 rmforall
- 5 days left to send papers to CSCC 2004 Invitation. Is the W SEAS World Conference of Applied Mathematics in Corfu (August 2004) appropriate for Electrical Engineers and Computer Scientists also?
New Invitation from WSEAS
- Place cells and addictive drugs
- Janet Starr Hull, who also had Graves disease in 1991, told Justin Dumais to quit aspartame: Murray 2004.06.12 rmforall
Rich Murray
- Bias in medical research
Allen L. Barker
- Grounding for Deep Brain Stimulation
- Invited Papers and Invitation in the Committee. 2004 WORLD Congress on MATHEMATICAL BIOLOGY
WSEAS Invited Papers and Invitation in the Committee
- Physicists in dance
Wayne Alan Simon
- Testosterone, personality characters and professional status of Saudi women...
James Michael Howard
- A synthetic progesterone causes anxiety in mice; allopregnanolone involved?
- Place cells and addictive drugs
Glen M. Sizemore
- Place cells and addictive drugs
- Physicists in dance
- Choice of PL for automatic programming (Re: Are we LISP machines?)
Eray Ozkural exa
- standardized, sanitized, sanctified: the construction of student subjectivities
Mr Michael Bibby
- Place cells and addictive drugs
Glen M. Sizemore
- Choice of PL for automatic programming (Re: Are we LISP machines?)
Curt Welch
- Place cells and addictive drugs
David Longley
- INVITED PAPER, participation in the citation indexes, conference and journal publication, very low registration and cheapest 5-Star Hotel
IASME / WSEAS for naval engineering and maritime technologies
- standardized, sanitized, sanctified: the construction of student subjectivities
Glen M. Sizemore
- ? communications, neurons, glial cells
- ? communications, neurons, glial cells
David B. Held
- Place cells and addictive drugs
- Place cells and addictive drugs
David Longley
- Place cells and addictive drugs
Glen M. Sizemore
- standardized, sanitized, sanctified: the construction of student subjectivities
John Hasenkam
- ? communications, neurons, glial cells
- ? communications, neurons, glial cells
David B. Held
- Place cells and addictive drugs
- Place cells and addictive drugs
David Longley
- Place cells and addictive drugs
Glen M. Sizemore
- Place cells and addictive drugs
- Place cells and addictive drugs
Peter F.
- Vasopressin receptors control fidelity
- brain prosthesis/implant news
Allen L. Barker
- Thimerosal increases risk of autism-like damage in autoimmune disease susceptible mice
- new EEG analysis method reported
Allen L. Barker
- other recent science and bioengineering news
Allen L. Barker
- Brain Emulation
Arthur T. Murray
- (NONE)
ulqxiprq at
- Place cells and addictive drugs
Glen M. Sizemore
- Spectral Analysis on Bioelectricty
tontoko hirorin
- Human magnetic sense
Wren Rice
- Human magnetic sense
r norman
- Human magnetic sense
Allen L. Barker
- question regarding soy neurotoxicity and vitamin e derived from soy
Lisa Hangs
- question regarding soy neurotoxicity and vitamin e derived fromsoy
Lisa Hangs
- a thinking brain
ray scanlon
- Chicken "Brains"
- Chicken "Brains"
r norman
- question regarding soy neurotoxicity and vitamin e derived fromsoy
William A. Noyes
- question regarding soy neurotoxicity and vitamin e derived fromsoy
Lisa Hangs
- Comment on SciAm news article about "brain receptors linked to Mother-Infant Bonding"
Peter F.
- how would you plan our next evolution?
David Dalton
- bionetics invented new mathmatical code the holy grail of life
timothy liverance
- a thinking brain
ray scanlon
- a thinking brain
r norman
- A user at our website is looking for opinions about:
- a thinking brain
ray scanlon
- Human magnetic sense
- Human magnetic sense
- Waxman: U.S. Imposes New Limits on Scientists
Allen L. Barker
- question regarding soy neurotoxicity and vitamin e derived fromsoy
Tim Tyler
- a thinking brain
ray scanlon
- Did you receive our message? We had invited you. 3 days until the deadline. || INVITED PAPER, participation in the citation indexes, conference and journal publication, very low registration and cheapest 5-Star Hotel
Kostas Papanikolaou
- a thinking brain
Peter F.
- a thinking brain
Glen M. Sizemore
- a thinking brain
Peter F.
- nlp related films
- a thinking brain
ray scanlon
- a thinking brain
Glen M. Sizemore
- a thinking brain
- Due to the big size of the World MultiConference in Izmir - Turkey, we added one more day in the event. So, it is now 13-14-15-16 of September 2004 (instead of 14-15-16), anticipated number of papers more than 500 (in Athens, Greece, for the multiconference of July 2004 we received more than 800 papers)
WSEAS Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
- a thinking brain
Last message date:
Wed Jun 30 17:13:59 EST 2004
Archived on: Sun Apr 10 22:48:13 EST 2005
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).
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