Due to the big size of the World MultiConference in Izmir - Turkey, we added one more day in the event. So, it is now 13-14-15-16 of September 2004 (instead of 14-15-16), anticipated number of papers more than 500 (in Athens, Greece, for the multiconference of July 2004 we received more than 800 papers)

WSEAS Electrical Engineering and Computer Science wseas_ece at canada.com
Wed Jun 30 10:45:21 EST 2004

If you want simply to reply, you must include the word WSEAS in the Subject of your

If you do not want to take our emails any longer, simply reply, the Subject Line
must contains the command:   STOP neur-sci at net.bio.net WSEAS 


Dear Colleague,

Due to the big size of the World MultiConference in Izmir, we added one more day in
the event. So, it is now 13-14-15-16 of September 2004 (instead of the initial
The anticipated number of papers is more than 500 
(in Athens, Greece, for the WSEAS multiconference of July 2004, the
organizing committee received more than 800 papers)

As you remember, we had invited you to participate in the WSEAS Multiconference in
Izmir, Turkey, September, 2004 (Hilton Izmir)

*  4th WSEAS Int. Conf. on Simulation, Modeling and Optimization (ICOSMO 2004) 
*  4th WSEAS Int. Conf. on Signal, Speech and Image processing (ICOSSIP 2004) 
*  4th WSEAS Int. Conf. on Multimedia, Internet and Video Technologies (ICOMIV 2004) 
*  4th WSEAS Int. Conf. on Robotics, Distance Learning and Intelligent
communication systems (ICRODIC 2004) 
*  4th WSEAS Int.Conf. on Power Systems and Electromagnetic Compatibility

the papers of this world event will be published in the conference proceedings, 
After further review the best papers and 
the invited papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings + 
WSEAS Transactions (journals) 

**** please, note that WSEAS publications participate 
in all major science citation indexes. 

see the reports in the central WSEAS web site

Attention: The WSEAS CSCC Multiconference in Vouliagmeni (Athens, july 2004) 
attracted more than 800 papers while the anticipated number was 600 ...
Now, the anticipated number of papers for the aforementioned WSEAS multiconference
in Izmir (Turkey) is 500 papers (September of 2004), but maybe we will have much
more ... 
Incredible low prices in the Hilton hotel of Izmir for WSEAS participants.
for any question, contact us by email (the subject of your email must contains the
word: WSEAS)

*** Several Awards for circuits, electronics, control, robotics, multimedia,
applied mathematics, distance learning, intelligent systems, communications and
(best paper award, best presentation award, etc... ) in this multiconference of
WSEAS in Izmir (Turkey, Sept.2004).

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

If you do not want to take our emails any longer
simply reply, the Subject Line must contains the command: STOP neur-sci at net.bio.net
(Do not include this command in the main part of your email, only in the subject

If you want to stop more than one email addresses, simply reply,
The Subject Line must contains the command: STOP email1, email2, ..., emailn WSEAS
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