Did you receive our message? We had invited you. 3 days until the deadline. || INVITED PAPER, participation in the citation indexes, conference and journal publication, very low registration and cheapest 5-Star Hotel

Kostas Papanikolaou navalengineering at canada.com
Mon Jun 28 14:33:54 EST 2004

If you do not want to take our emails any longer, 
simply reply, the Subject Line must contains the command: STOP neur-sci at net.bio.net
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                         Please, forward this email to your colleagues
Dear Colleague,

We had invited you to send a paper for this very important multi-conference
Your paper, also, as an INVITED paper,(and only the invited papers on list)
 will be published also in the IASME TRANSACTIONS

    3 days until the deadline (June 30, 2004)

Faculty members that will send a paper to this congress will also be invited for
participation in the scientific committee of the next 

So, We are inviting you again to send an Invited Paper in 

2004 IASME / WSEAS International Conference on "HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER" (HMT 2004)
2004 IASME / WSEAS International Conference on "FLUID MECHANICS" (FLUIDS 2004)   
 Corfu Island, Greece, August 17-19, 2004

   VERY STRICT DEADLINE for paper submission: JUNE 30, 2004

ATTENTION: Your paper will be included in all major science citation indexes.
ISI, ELSEVIER, CSA, AMS. Mathematical Reviews, ELP, NLG, Engineering Index 
Directory of Published Proceedings, INSPEC (IEE) 
 !!  Several Awards (Best Paper Award, Best Presentation Award, etc... in the WSEAS
conferences in  Corfu). Contact IASME or WSEAS

ACCOMODATION: The Organizers achieved incredible low prices in the CHP Hotel 
(Corfu Hilton), 5 Star Sea Resort in Corfu Island, Greece,  
resort where the multiconference of WSEAS will take place:

51 EUR in double room and 81 EUR in single room. 

for you LOW REGISTRATION: Registration fees: 250 EUR. (August 2004: Athens: Olympic

Your paper, as an INVITED paper, 
(and only the invited papers on WSEAS/IASME ) will be published in the
Conference Proceedings + IASME TRANSACTIONS 


K. Papanikolaou
Organizing Committees

   #####  ####

If you do not want to take our emails any longer
simply reply, the Subject Line must contains the command: STOP neur-sci at net.bio.net
(Do not include this command in the main part of your email, only in the subject

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