question regarding soy neurotoxicity and vitamin e derived fromsoy

Tim Tyler tim at tt1lock.org
Sun Jun 27 10:49:54 EST 2004

In sci.med.nutrition Lisa Hangs <lisa.hangsATsasktel.net> wrote or quoted:

> William, here are a couple of articles I came across.  I'm not familiar with
> the Pubmed abstract numbers however.

> Hope this is helpful:
> 1)  JAMA Vol.288, No. 3, July 17, 2002
> 2)  Tragedy and Hype:  The 3rd International Soy Symposium- Part II
> 3) G Matrone et al, Effect of Genistin on Growth and Development of the Male
> Mouse, Journal of Nutrition, 1956, 235-240.
> 4) A Cassidy, et al.  Biological Effects of a Diet of Soy.... American J. of
> Clinical Nutrition,  1994, 60: 333-340.
> 5) K D setchell et al, Isoflavone content of infant formulas and the
> metabolic fate of these early phytoestrogens in early life, Amer. J. of
> clinicial Nutrition, Dec. 2998 Supplement 1453S-1461S.
> 6) Menopausal Estrogen and Estrogen-Progestin Replacement Therapy and Breast
> Cancer Risk.  JAMA 200, 283:485-491.
> 7)  Allred, C.D. et al. Soy diets containing varying amounts of genistein
> stimulate growth of estrogen-dependent (MCF-7) tumors in a dose-dependent
> manner.  Cancer Research 61, 5045-5050, July 1, 2001.

2 is: http://www.westonaprice.org/soy/tragedy.html
3 is: http://calorierestriction.org/pmid/?n=13346413 
5 is: http://calorierestriction.org/pmid/?n=9848516 
7 is: http://calorierestriction.org/pmid/?n=11431339
 |im |yler  http://timtyler.org/  tim at tt1lock.org  Remove lock to reply.

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